You are enough…

After spending my time in meditation this morning, I realized that what God was telling me is, “You are enough.” I thought, “What does this mean?” It means the same thing that it meant when I was in the hard, hard places, it means the same thing as it did when it felt like I was the biggest mess ever, it means exactly what my Father (God) has always taught me… through Him, I am enough.

This is a hard concept to wrap your mind around, because it is a heart thing. You have to be able to receive this in your heart. I learned this in a place of desperation , I always have so many distractions to keep me from getting this message out. I always think I need to do something, to learn more, to listen to what this person or that person has to say… He says, “You are enough!”

I’m not sure, but I think that means right now, I am! Just exactly the way I am, with my imperfections, with other people’s imperfections, with rejection, pain and all of it! I have got to stay focused on exactly what He wants me to be doing, because that is what helps others too. I have to stay focused and in my lane… all I have to do is enjoy my life. I do not have to “DO” anything to please anyone else.

I choose today to renounce and let go of ALL expectations of me that are not from Him. He created me and He is the one that leads and guides me. I have a great group around me that supports me, I have been blessed, even just this year, financially, and all of the tools and things that I have learned through the years are getting aligned!! I had lots of trauma to get free from and I am no longer in that place.

Faith, vision, hope and trust REALLY do bring all of the things that we have been waiting for. I’m not saying that bad things won’t happen on this Earth, that’s a given, but our perspective and how we handle it will change! The more positivity that we have, the more we attract positivity! We don’t have to go searching for things… it will come to us!

I just recently wrote a poem that will come out in the new book that I’m writing:

“Restored to Bloom”

I started out so bright and shining,

Through many days so blissful and free.

Then trauma set in and dampened the bloom,

Many times too foggy to see.

Walking through life

The stormy weather came

So much opposition, digging up my roots

I would never be the same.

Swimming upstream

With joy all along the way.

With a broken heart

Waiting for a better day.

The fleeting better days would come

They’d water me and watch me grow

But that storm came along

And gave me a heavy blow.

The sun would shine and warm me up

I’d stretch up taller to the sky

I’d never stretched this tall before

But knocked down low, I thought I’d die.

The water from the rain came

The dirt plowed just right

I stood up taller and taller

I knew it wasn’t by my might.

It all came together one day

It didn’t happen in one big boom

The sun, the rain, the soil-without my might

And I was “Restored to Bloom!”

I want to encourage us today to be listening to the right voice speaking to our heart. The voice that truly created us, the One that knows all about us!! He really does care, and when we get the right perspective on it, we can see that!!

I have learned the lessons, I have fought through the battles, I have listened and been teachable….Now…. Restored to Bloom!

Let’s do what we have to do to make it!

We all have a purpose!!

All of us!!

We just have to hear the right voice to be the right voice!

You are enough, right where you are!

Keep moving forward!!

See you soon!

4 Replies to “You are enough…”

    1. Awwww thanks for your kind words Kelly… I appreciate it❤️🥰 Love You❤️

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