After the launch…

Seriously, whenever you are launching a book it feels so much like birthing a baby! The preparation for it is little by little… it grows into a reality…then “Wow” it’s time for it to be born on this earth. Something new that no one has every seen before. Everything about it is unique and brand new!!

It’s exciting to create something brand new!! I think that’s what I always loved about giving someone a new hairstyle! Something brand new!! It’s exciting to be able to do that but it stretches you way out of your comfort zone.

When I am giving someone a new style I am taking a risk…I am stepping out there and doing something that I don’t know if they will like and I’m just winging it! Same with writing a book, I am taking a risk that no one will like it or get anything out of it…but the growth that takes place in me when I do it is incredible!

I am letting my voice be heard in the world! I am being ME!! I am being the ME that I was created to be and offering the gifts that were put inside of me to offer to other people!! Don’t hold back from being you!! You were made uniquely on this earth for a purpose! The thing that fights the hardest against you to quiet you down is exactly the thing that you will help others with!!

Isn’t that amazing? Our most hideous trials are our biggest accomplishments!! My technological skills were not good getting started!! That right there would have been enough to stop me…. but no…I learned!! I tried new things, made new accomplishments!!

Don’t let the big mountain ahead stop you from going forward! There is a story in the Bible about Joshua and Caleb…

When the 12 spies were sent to scout out the Promised Land, 10 came back believing the circumstances and situation. They believed that they would be wiped out by the inhabitants of the land. The facts told them that they were smaller and weaker than the people that lived there. They listened to the enemy’s lies about their circumstances. However, Joshua and Caleb believed God’s promise (truth) that they would overcome their enemies and live in the land. Believing the Truth enabled Joshua and Caleb to enter the Promised Land while the other 10 died in the wilderness!!

Wow!! I want to believe the truth!! I want to learn new things, I want to be ME in the earth and not listen to the giants in the land that say, “No you can’t do it!”

I encourage you to do the same!!

Don’t stop trying and moving forward!

You can do it!

Listen to the voice of TRUTH!!

See you soon❣️