New launch day!

Well some of you are on my launch page on Facebook… I didn’t add everyone I know but I did want to give you all the opportunity to get on if you want. I would put the link on here too it but honestly haven’t figured out how to add links on here just yet…😬 Still learning so many things!! The page is called Shift Happens Book Launch Tribe… if you want to, request getting on or just send me a message on here and let me know so I will send you a copy to your email, and then Sept. 26th you can review on Amazon!! The main thing is to make me know your email and you want to review. I am coaching people on that page how to do it!!

This has been an exciting ride…I think for some odd reason I have actually reached the point where I love being stretched!! I think I have been stretched so much in my life that it just feels like that’s the way it supposed to be. Already starting the next book. Once I get this launching thing figured out, the sky is the limit.

Yesterday I  realized exactly what some of our goals are. I think the purpose of writing for me, is to open up more doors for ministering to hurting people. For some, writing is another thing.

I do know that it feels good to finally be walking out my destiny! I hope you all pursue destiny too! I love to encourage people to do that, mainly because I know there are so many obstacles that come against it.

We just can’t listen to the defeating voices that tell us to stop! I kept hearing a voice telling me that I was being annoying on my launch page because I am so excited. You know what I’m going to do with that voice? I am going to make my first video and put it on this am. I don’t really care what that voice says anymore…I have to do what I’m called to do!!

You have to too❤️

Don’t listen to those lies❤️

You need to be heard❤️

Close the door to shame, fear, or control!!❤️

We got this❤️

See you soon❤️


Get away from blaming

We live in a time where lots of people are pointing a finger at someone else for their problems. We seriously do need to stop that and look in the mirror and take responsibility for our own choices and actions. We need to work on ourselves. We need to get out of the victim mentality and see what our own thinking and mindsets are doing to block our growth.

Do we even want to grow? Or do we want to stay right where we are? We need help if we want to grow, we usually can’t do it alone. God provides many avenues for growth and I am grateful for that!! We have to be open for help and willing to say that we don’t have all the answers. We have to be teachable.

We have to be willing to take action to dig ourselves out of a pit!! Different people need different things. We aren’t all cookie cutter people, but we all have to be open to the fact that if we can’t follow someone else we will probably not be a good leader. Leadership takes humility and the ability to honor others.

Good leaders need to keep working on themselves and getting cleaned up on the inside so they aren’t taking offense and getting full of bitterness and resentments. Love never fails!

We can always find things all around us to make us angry and drag us down. The negativity we can pick up in this world today is HUGE!! We have to make our own decision to think on things that are pure, lovely, and of good report like the Bible says.

What are we contributing that might be wrong? What do we need to work on in ourselves that might help and encourage others? What do we need to take our hands off of and let someone figure out for themselves? When do we just need to get honest with ourselves about something in us? Honesty is the best way to go!! What’s going on in your heart? What is God really saying to you?

Stop thinking others are your problem❤️

Dig out the hurts that are hindering you❤️

Admit when you are wrong❤️

Don’t be afraid of your faults❤️

Nobody is perfect❤️

Love never fails❤️

See you soon❤️



Aren’t we all looking for family. That’s the most troublesome thing in our culture, an orphan spirit. It’s so hard to find people that are truly your tribe… so many are settling for tribes in the world because they can’t seem to find where they fit.

There has to be communication for connection! Even if your own blood family won’t communicate you can find safe places and safe people that will. Don’t give up looking for a safe tribe!! God has one for you someplace. Even if you can find one safe person to talk to… He will NEVER leave you or forsake you… people may, but HE never will.

Many hurting people in America searching, but God is raising up armies of people that will be there for you!! Don’t give up hope! There is a plan and purpose for everyone!! Love never fails!! Sometimes we need the tools to help us get along with people!! Sometimes we need to learn how to cope!!! All of these things are available!!

We have to rise up out of a victim mindset!! We are not the only one in the world that goes through hard things!! Don’t think I am writing this to you, actually I am writing this because it is where I have been!! I’m writing it from experience!!

We need each other, we need communication, love, encouragement, hope… don’t give up!!

Love to you❤️

Keep searching, don’t give up❤️

Love never fails❤️

See you soon❤️




Negativity is like a thief. It can steal your dreams, it can steal your actions, it can steal your life. If you start saying negative things about a situation, you can start thinking worse and worse about it.

I’m not meaning that we can’t be honest about things and how things really are. We have to do that… the Bible even says to “Test the Spirits” about things. That means that some things are just not right, some situations are just not right. We do have to be honest. But we DON’T have to get on a roll and start going on and on about all of the negative things going on in a situation.

We actually need to face it, feel it, and forget it and move on. That’s how we learn to conquer things. We don’t carry a big bag of negativity around with us through our life about every bad thing that has ever happened to us. We need to choose to not be a victim and not think like a victim!!

We have to learn to turn a negative to a positive. We can do that!! It’s not always the easiest thing to do, but we do have choices. Sometimes it doesn’t feel very comforting to be the big person and let negative things go, but it is so, so worth it in the long run!! Positivity breeds more positive things and the same with negativity.

We have to choose life!! We have to choose what’s best for us!! We don’t have to be perfect in doing this.. it’s progress not perfection!! We have to start someplace just noticing what our thoughts are and take them captive so they can’t steal things from us!!

I encourage you to start today!! Chase those negative, nagging thoughts out of your mind and out of your day!! You are worth it!! You are worth good things!! You are worth the best!! Don’t give up on positive dreams that you have had, that haven’t taken place yet…write them down!! Pray one more time for it to happen!! It is never time to give up on anything that God put in our heart!!

Keep knowing that you can do it!! No matter how big or how small!! Don’t let those negative thoughts steal your joy!! Enjoy the journey!! Success is not only the destination, it’s more about the things you learn along the way!!

Keep learning❤️

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn❤️

Its a win-win no matter what❤️

You are almost there❤️

See you soon!!❤️