In the face of dishonor…

I just wrote a book about honoring others. In my book I am not saying to honor people that are abusing you. I mention in the book that you have to have boundaries. Boundaries are bridges, and not walls.

What do I mean by that? Boundaries are done with much love and humility involved, but definitely taking care of yourself.

If someone is just against us and we have done everything we can to get along, sometimes we just have to let go. Lots of people today are coming from an orphan spirit and they are hurt inside so they are hurting others. They may picture you as the person that abused them. They could have an agenda against you, trying to control you.

Some very important tools that I have learned from dealing with addicts is this the 3 C’s…” I didn’t cause it, I can’t cure it, and I can’t control it.” This lets me know that I don’t have to feel guilt about the things being hurled at me.

It seems just easier to throw “hard to deal with people” in the trash but what I have learned is that there is a lesson for me to learn here… and if I do not stop and learn the lesson, I will go around the same ole’ mountain again with another person. Keep in mind, whether someone is an addict, a narcissist, or whatever, there are still things that I must learn. Is it forgiveness, boundaries, communication, or even a new skill set or tool about relationships? It’s not always just good guy, bad guy and about us being a victim. Sometimes it’s about us learning maturity and authority.

We just really do have to sit down, look in the mirror, get humble, and work on ourselves. We can try to run from that forever, but we just can’t hide. Another thing that I have learned is that when someone is against you and mad at you and accusing you, if you diffuse it by saying, ” You could be right.” It makes things turn around in a way that we can’t imagine. I’m not saying that’s right in every situation, I’m just saying in some conversations that can turn things around. I haven’t really had a choice but to “go low,” work on my own character, and do the best I can to build bridges wherever I can.

We really do reap what we sow in life and if I am gracious with others it is sure to turn around and happen to me from others, not everyone, but from many.

What can you see in yourself that comes out when your buttons are pushed? Are you a victim? Are you unforgiving? Do you need more freedom to be able to be more mature in some areas and operate in these things? We REALLY can shift and change. Most of the change comes from humbling ourselves, admitting we need help and can’t do everything alone and learning how to start doing it💜

I know, it’s better to say, ” But you don’t know what I’ve been through and these people have done to me.” Yes I do and yes our Lord does… forgiveness does not necessarily mean walking in life in relationship with some folks, it simply releases us from them having the power to control us.

I think the main thing that I have always done right in my life is to admit that I can’t do it alone. I was the type that even paid and went to counseling when I didn’t have any money. There was a time when I was a single mom that I was going to counseling and I started getting checks in the mail paying the exact amount that my counseling sessions were… they were anonymous but I really think they were from the counselor because she knew that I wanted help but I couldn’t afford it!! That’s how our God works!! He exalts a humble heart!! I always want to have a humble and Teachable spirit!!!

Love you all❤️💜❤️

Humility rocks!!❤️💜❤️

Pride and unforgiveness suck!!❤️💜❤️

There’s freedom for everyone!! ❤️💜❤️

If it’s gonna be… it’s up to me!!❤️💜❤️

See you soooooon!!!😘❤️💜


I love the word restoration because I have experienced so much restoration in my life. Notice the word starts with “rest” which means that we cannot do it all by ourself we have to rest in God to be restored. He even created the world in seven days and then he rested. He’s all about creating and beginning fresh and new!! I’m all about that too❤️

Restoration sometimes has to come from getting ourselves cleaned out of all of the clutter in our lives. I mean emotional clutter. Yesterday I kept feeling a negative emotion and finally I had to sit down and stop and say, “Ok Holy Spirit, do you have a memory that you want to bring up and heal?” Sure enough a memory came up where a hurt had started. I got to the root of it and finally came up with the positive part of the whole memory that the enemy had tried to hide from me, and kept me focusing on the negative part. Once I got rid of the whole negative part, I felt different about the whole thing.

This can actually RESTORE how I feel! This can actually RESTORE my emotions and my life. It’s so refreshing to clean out things like that and actually feel Jesus healing you and taking pain away. That’s why He came to earth… to restore our lives and give us life more abundantly. When we minister Restoring the Foundations Ministry to people we are merely helping them learn how to build new foundations in their life and return to the Cross and lay down their burdens and hurts, and generational curses, and Ungodly Beliefs, and even where the enemy has oppressed them. It may sound complex to you, but think about how complex our world has gotten.

Wouldn’t you think that these kids that are going into school and firing off killing people are oppressed by the enemy of our soul? I know for a fact that they are… no question in my mind! If you know of anyone that needs a life restored send them to Marty and I. We would like to help…we want to do our part to help restore lives and help restore our world.

Shift can happen in your life. Let the one that created everything restore you to your life more abundantly…

No need to procrastinate…just do it…

You can get unstuck and find your destiny…

Blessings to you…

See you soon…❤️👍🏼

Your voice

I touched on this a little in my last post but I was wanting to share a little more about it. Once you wander out of your comfort zone and find your voice, many new things begin to happen. You may have to keep pushing a bit, but finally amazing things happen.

When you are sitting quietly in your comfort zone, the things that you are supposed to be speaking into our world are not getting said. While you are in that comfortable place there will even be huge lies that come to you and tell you that you are of no importance and have nothing to say.

Anytime that I voice comes to you and says that you can’t do something, do it for sure!! Beat the odds! Don’t listen to those lying voices! It is a lie that you are less important, I hear that all the time just to let you know!! I don’t listen to it anymore!!

Those are just Ungodly Beliefs and I’ve learned to constantly replace them with Godly Beliefs!! Just like the lies can grow and multiply in you, so can the truth!! The more you get brave with what you are supposed to do, the more that presents itself to you as opportunities!!

Stay connected to people that will encourage you!! You have to FIGHT for what you have to do!! Those lies and your enemy doesn’t give up easily! Don’t be surprised if you have a whole group of people that you have always loved and depended on standing around you telling you that it is impossible! There is ALWAYS a price to pay when you are going BEYOND where you have been. Once you get over that hump, you are there!! It’s amazing!! It’s worth it all!!

Go ahead and venture out BEYOND!

Don’t listen to the naysayers!

Those are lies!

Listen to the TRUTH!

See you soon!!

Matt. 7:7…”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

See y’all soon❤️