Change is good!

Just because we have been doing something forever and getting good results doesn’t mean that we are supposed to do it forever. We can get stuck in a rut and get unhealthy in that place.

We have to remain open to new exciting things. My word being Re-invent this year is actually stirring that up to happen in many different ways!

The dream of an old business venture has blessed me so much last month and refreshed ideas of things I always wanted to do but thought that they died!

Our heavenly creator changes things quite often! He wants us to use our imagination and dream BIG dreams! The more people that we can come in contact with, the merrier!

It was so fun last month getting to share my story at a Trauma to Triumph Summit for women and then in the same month got an email to make a video to send to Terri Savelle Foy ministries to share my testimony about how vision boards have changed things in my life!

These are amazing dreams that have come into being from writing my vision and making it plain.

Terri Savelle Foy has written books and courses about vision boards and for her to ask me to do this is nothing short of a miracle!

I’m not excited about these things for my behalf, I’m excited to be able to encourage and help others with stories of miracles that have taken place. Miracles that are truly for everyone. Miracles to change lives!

I hope that you haven’t lost hope in your life! If you have please contact me! I have been through so many horrible things that there is no way I should be so full of hope! But with a change in mindsets, just the right positive relationships that can help build you up, and a God that loves you no matter what… positive change can happen!

Last year and this year so many changes and miracles have happened and I have to keep sharing these things with others!

Change can happen for you!

No room for negativity!

Remain hopeful and move forward!

Contact me if you need help!

See you soon!

jill 🌸