
I have been getting ladies together every year having Vision Board parties. It has been so fun and the last one we had, a lady actually spoke to me, “You are going to receive as many blessings as all of these ladies put together for having these gatherings.” I thought, “Wow that’s lots!” But I have to say that EVERYTHING on my Vision Board is coming to pass this year in a remarkable way!!

I have had amazing things coming across my path!I have reached a place of freedom and a place of staying out of negativity and drama. The more we focus on positive things and hear the Father’s Voice, the more positive things come our way!! We are meant to have life more abundantly!!

Financial blessings have come our way this year…we got our debt paid off, now heading to more financially per month. I was always pretty positive, but I hadn’t been able to get my Christian walk activated in enough power to help me overcome the drama and negativity.

I realize that I have to have these power moments of meditation everyday to help activate momentum and velocity in my life. I will put another one on today. I am in the process of getting a YouTube channel going to post all the many different subjects that I come up with that we deal with in life.

If we can’t get to a place of clarity and peace in our hearts and mind each day, we can’t walk out our destiny. I have so many different relationships and people coming across my path and I have to get peace of mind, clarity and truth in operation.

If you have a moment, maybe 12 minutes to get calm and settled just listen to this and see how it affects your life. Blessings to you today….

Listen and soak in this…

Vision attracts more vision

Positivity attracts more positivity

Love attracts more love

Joy attracts more joy

Blessing others attracts more blessings

It really is true…

My third book coming…

See you soon…