
Relationships are so needed but yet sometimes so hard. They can be lots of work. We have to stay in communication with people so we don’t have misunderstandings.

Some relationships are so easy and it’s a give and take that just flows. Others are friction and a battle every step of the way.

We have to keep our eyes on our part of working things out. We have to be open to things that we have done wrong, but yet we can’t take all the blame. We don’t have to sell out and lose our identity.

There are so many different kinds of personalities. One can be strong and not even notice if they hurt your feelings. Another can be so sensitive that they take on every hard thing that is going on.

We don’t have to be full of pride and not admit that we might have a flaw in our character. We all can use some work and tweaking on ourselves. We don’t need to believe any kind of a lie that we have it all together, or any kind of a lie that we are a total mess that can’t get it together.

Life is a process, we are all a work in progress. We need to be open to apologize if we have to. We also need to be open to forgive. That’s what is going on in the world today…lots of narcissistic people that only think of themselves and don’t have empathy for what someone else might be going through.

How sad when we can’t even have a little compassion for someone even though they may be different than we are. That’s what my passion has been, birthing a culture that is meant for Recovery and Restoration.  It is starting to happen too.

We get to start a Celebrate Recovery meeting soon in a small town that needs it so desperately. That’s is so my heart. It’s not just for addicts like some may think, it’s for anyone with hurts, habits, or hangups. That pretty much includes us all. Isn’t it great to be able to admit that you might have a hurt, habit, or hangup and you are still an ok person?

I have been wanting this to take off forever and I am starting to see it happen all around us. Needless to say, I’m very excited about this and my book is a lot about how it has helped in my life. My book is moving along in the editing process so one of these days very soon I will be launching. Yay!!

If you see a Celebrate Recovery being offered anyplace around you, you might want to pop in and just check it out. The thing with lots of people is that they think, “Oh, I don’t need something like that. That is for people with lots of problems.” Well, that is simply not true, we all struggle, we all need support from others, and we all have something to offer.

Just some thoughts to ponder today about relationships!!

Pursue healthy relationships!❤️

It’s worth the effort!❤️

Confronting can be called carefronting❤️

People are great!❤️

See you soon!❤️