Hope deferred

Just thinking a lot about the verse Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” This scripture is really something to think I about. If you keep dreaming and dreaming for things and they never come about, you finally give up.

I wonder how many people that live out on the streets kept trying and trying and dreams kept falling through so they finally just stopped trying. They finally said, “Ok, I don’t even want a home anymore! I don’t care if I have to live in the cold, at least I won’t be expecting anything and won’t be let down again.”

That is sad and I could see some of that in myself. The battle would get so hard sometimes it was just easier not to expect anything or even ask for anything. The bad part about being that way is that you stagnate…your creativity starts dwindling, your passion about life starts dwindling.

We have to keep fighting for change and things to look forward to. Even if you go do anything just a little different than normal to keep moving forward!! Go to different places, different scenery, anything to bring about change in your life.

We can’t expect someone else to do it for us, we have to produce change ourselves. We have to keep ourselves (with God’s help) from falling into awful ruts. Some people have no problem taking great care of themselves but others have to fight to remember that they matter and are important and have dreams that are important and matter in this world.

I am so grateful to be getting some momentum in some of these things finally and moving forward!! We have to be grateful everyday for things in our life because it is easy for stinkin thinking to enter in and hold us back from moving into our destiny!!

Keep your eyes open, don’t get distracted!! Keep your love, joy and forgiveness going. Don’t get isolated!! There is a big world out there and many things that you can be so passionate about!! Leave your footprint wherever you go! You can change the atmosphere around you by just being you.

Keep moving forward👍🏼

Don’t stagnate❤️

Do the last thing God told you to do❤️

You aren’t a mistake❤️

You aren’t an accident ❤️

Keep on keeping on❤️

See you soon❤️