Pretty little lies

What are the lies that come to you? I’m to old, I’m too shy, I don’t know enough, I’m too mean! There are always voices coming to us trying to stop us!

What are some things that we can do to stop these lies and move forward? We need to look at a common theme that is always there throughout our lives! Usually the thing that we have had the hardest time with. That’s the thing that we have become an expert on.

Mine is trauma. In a matter of 15 years I got raped at knifepoint, went through 3 marriages and divorces, my parents got divorced after 43 years of marriage. Trauma became a theme in my life. A series of events that set my life on a track where the only thing that I could do was to pursue God and get help! I didn’t have any other direction to go, I would have sank! After doing this so desperately for years it became my call, my reason to get up and breath another day.

It’s turned into my hobby. There have been some things that could have stopped me dead in my tracks and I’ve had to learn to take the adversity and turn it to the thing that challenged me to come up higher.

Helping someone else succeed and helping inspire them, became the thing that gave me joy and gave me power! Every once in a while I will get a little stumped on something and I have a group of people all around me to speak into me and help me stay on track! I really do appreciate my tribe and my connections!

Do you have a tribe around you to help hold your arms up when you need it? People that you can be honest with and will pray for you? Not a bad idea to start looking and seeing who they are. Those little lies need to stop!

Write down your connections. The people that God has surrounded you with! The ones you contact if you get tripped up! Remember we all get fooled and lied to at times!

You DO have a purpose! Yours may be similar to mine! Yours may be completely different! It will most likely be that theme of events that has gone on forever and you can’t seem to get away from it!

Find your purpose!

Write your vision!

Pursue your dreams!

Destiny will appear!

Invest in yourself to get help!

Read books, watch videos, find a coach!

Counteract those lies!

You can do this!

Need help? Contact me!

See you soon!

~jill 🌸