
Wo!! Let’s talk about pretending. This is a HUGE subject!! Many people are walking around pretending that they are ok but they are not. I think after you pretend long enough you go into a state of denial and think you are ok. I have learned that shame is a huge thing that causes that. I learned that in RTF. (Restoring the Foundations Ministries)

First something happens to you that you are ashamed of, then you get in fear that people will find out, so you try to control it. You can control by pretending that everything’s is ok. Thats almost like lying, pretending that everything is ok. I’m not saying that you need to tell everyone in the whole world about everything, I’m just saying you have to deal with things.

Lets get real!! I haven’t had any choice but to get real!! Do you know how freeing it is to get real about things? Really when I made the move here, that’s part of what made me lose my voice. I would share my story and people weren’t used to the transparency I had. I could feel that my story was not being celebrated so I started being quiet, and being ashamed of my story. I started feeling like I had to pretend that I was “normal” like they were.

What a bunch of bunk!! I’m telling you everyone has an imperfect life and stuff to deal with! We might as well be honest and learn how to help one another, instead of acting like we have it all together and don’t have anything to learn.

It can turn into pride. Pride is not good. You will not make it forever operating on pride. We have to always be teachable from people. You can’t trust everyone, but I know that you can learn from people that you can’t even imagine you could learn from. God even used a donkey to teach people.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction. A haughty spirit before a fall.

Sorry if I’m sounding a little preachy, I hate that, but hey if we think we are all that and won’t listen to anyone, we could fall flat in our face, like I have done many times. There are always little warnings for us along the way. We just need to start noticing and listening to them. We gotta be teachable.

I was so cray that even after I got a divorce from my husband the second time, he started coming around wanting to go to church with me, acting like he was getting it together again. One day my daughter said, “Mom, you’ve already married him twice!”……Yah! Duh! Set a boundary with him the next day and ended it!!

I had a natural gift of compassion, mercy, and love. What I had to learn was, toughness, boundaries and dealing with things. Let’s face it Jesus did get mad about things. I think He still does with us sometimes to get us to wake up and change!! It’s for our own good!! When we keep being stubborn He will let us go through consequences so we will wake up!

When something goes on and on and on sometimes it’s time to let it go and be done with it!! Unchecked mercy is lethal!! I encourage you, if you have feelings that you are in denial about, or a situation that you are having “faith” that it will change. You need to make sure you are hearing Gods voice and not the enemy’s voice just keeping you distracted from what you are really supposed to be doing!!

You know what? Our problems are really no big deal? We have them so blasted out in our mind and to God they are itsy bitsy. He did create the earth, you know!! He knows how to draw us back. He’s always waiting with open arms to welcome us back!!  We can never be perfect, do everything perfectly, and it’s not expected.

Stop pretending and “Be free!”

Feels so good to be me again!!


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