Choosing love above offense…

Hi! This is a good subject!! Well of course we always see different opinions about things. People are always going to see things differently than one another. But you know what? That’s ok.

I am one person that wants to choose love no matter what. I may have some feelings of rejection, and I may get my little feelings hurt, but the bottom line I choose to love, no matter what.

The way someone feels about a certain issue is not who they really are. And if we can just stay away from certain issues there can be love. I’ve had to make a major effort to do this, and the other person has to be willing to do it too. Both parties can not be someone that has to be right.

I don’t have to be right. I don’t have to prove my point. I just live and love and let God take care of the rest. Wow if we let Him be our vindicator He is very capable of doing what He wants to do. It’s not about me, it’s about what He wants.

Being able to let things go comes from being cleaned up on the inside, from having a pure heart. From not having an agenda!! I’m definitely not saying I’m perfect at it, just saying that after all the feelings I have and getting it out, the final result I come to is love.

Love really does never fail. There are some that you can’t be around much. Some are literally motivated to take you down. I’m not talking about working it out with them. Remember, I said both parties have to be willing. If someone is not willing, fine, no need to take up much of my time, I will love you if you let me, if not, not my responsibility!! Woo hoo!! Isn’t that fun and freeing??

I will always keep the door open to someone changing their mind. No walls up!! Yep, I’m willing to try to work thinks out, if I see a bunch of games, sorry, not my responsibility. I only learned that from being entangled in many games of manipulation, and control. These things are such a distraction in your life that keep you from doing what you really need to be doing.

You think you have anyone being like that in your life? Their behavior is trying to control and manipulate you? They have some issues going on inside. If they are not willing to admit that and change, it is not your responsibility.

I have a pretty sensative personality so if someone keeps being like that with me I have to literally detach (emotionally) when I am around them. It’s not much fun being in a relationship like that. It’s a lot of work. It can start wearing you down.

I choose love❤

I choose life❤

I choose to be me, without distractions❤

See you soon❤