Be yourself…

Just encouraging you to let your personality shine wherever you go. Don’t give up you for anybody!! Sometimes I have a hard time sticking to this. I start wanting to make the people around me happy, be what they want me to be.

Then I have to remember to be who I am and what God created me to be!! We can even influence people and help them be who they are created to be!!

Lots of times when people are being grumpy it’s because they have lost their way. They are not happy with themselves and stopped remembering who they are and how they shine!

We need to remind them and make it start happening for them again!! My tendency used to be to back off from them if they are being grumpy because it stings. Now I see that I need to come back with speaking who they are and bring it back to life in them.

I am in a new writing class and I absolutely love it! The first thing they had us do was get an acountabilitibuddy… they had a long list of people on there, where they were from, their email, and what their books are about. I love that because it was interactive and that is me.

I picked a lady from Georgia, she and I are matched so perfectly. She has a prayer network and is praying for me in all areas of life. I am so grateful for that! I am doing the same for her!! I ran into something the other day and she was just the voice I needed to hear.

Writing the book is pretty challenging for me, so I haven’t been writing here as much! I will keep you posted what’s going on and I am going to have a private launch page on Facebook so a group of people can help me get it launched.They are teaching me every little thing step by step!!

I also just talked to a young lady that goes to the local college that will help me transcribe, use Word, and put things on a hard drive!! Woo hoo!! Coming together!!

I thank you all for reading and giving me feedback and support! I do feel that writing is one of the ways that I can share my experience, strength, and hope with others.

Keep pursuing you, and what you were put here for. It could be a very simple thing for today, like being a Mom, in your workplace, or where you go to church.

Nothing is wasted. You shining where you are meant to be, can open up doors down the road that you can’t imagine.

Be a blessing today❤

Keep shining❤

This world needs you❤

Don’t give up❤

See you soon❤