After the pause

Our whole month of May was on pause in some ways but very active in other ways. As for social events we were in quarantine, as for private events we were very busy.

To be perfectly honest, Marty almost left the planet. I watched an extremely active, nonstop person within a few hours get taken down to nothing.

That’s when all the arguments about “should I get the vaccine, should I not”…get brought down to the reality of, “What are you saying Father?”

Each and every person has to make their own decisions about things. After Marty was on remdesivir for four days, along with our Heavenly Father entering the room, he got a miraculous healing and his chest started popping and cracking and he was home two days later.

Then I get things sent to me about how bad remdesivir is and I didn’t ask anyone for any information. The same way the day after my first vaccine I got information sent to me about how damaging the vaccine is to your body.

How are y’all sorting these things out? I have to go by life experiences. First off, my ninety three year old mother got her vaccine and it gave her freedom to leave her apartment again after a year. Second, my brother is a pharmacist and has taken a job giving the injections.

One afternoon I just had a feeling that I needed to go get the vaccine. I called the local pharmacy and set up a time later that day. I told them I wanted the J&J shot and they wrote me down. I called my brother and talked to him about it and he said, “I would get the Moderna,” I called and changed it to that.

It was so ironic the next day after I got the shot that J&J got put on a pause because of side effects.

Three weeks later, Marty got a fever and tested positive, I tested negative and made it through the whole next month fighting Covid with him and didn’t get it. That is my experience and story.

Someone else’s story may be different. I respect your story, can you respect mine? I literally watched my Heavenly Father rise up above ALL things and save my husband’s life. There are no conspiracy theories that can figure that out. It’s beyond reason.

I encourage you to hear the Father’s voice for you. What is He telling you to do about everything? I’m always checking that out. It’s about His will, not my will be done.

If you need any help hearing from the Father for you, let us know! We are a no judgment zone to help sort things out!

Much love to you today!

We all have our own story!

Let’s not judge!

Be kind!

Love never fails!

See you soon!

You matter and you are the best!

See you soon!


Change is good!

Just because we have been doing something forever and getting good results doesn’t mean that we are supposed to do it forever. We can get stuck in a rut and get unhealthy in that place.

We have to remain open to new exciting things. My word being Re-invent this year is actually stirring that up to happen in many different ways!

The dream of an old business venture has blessed me so much last month and refreshed ideas of things I always wanted to do but thought that they died!

Our heavenly creator changes things quite often! He wants us to use our imagination and dream BIG dreams! The more people that we can come in contact with, the merrier!

It was so fun last month getting to share my story at a Trauma to Triumph Summit for women and then in the same month got an email to make a video to send to Terri Savelle Foy ministries to share my testimony about how vision boards have changed things in my life!

These are amazing dreams that have come into being from writing my vision and making it plain.

Terri Savelle Foy has written books and courses about vision boards and for her to ask me to do this is nothing short of a miracle!

I’m not excited about these things for my behalf, I’m excited to be able to encourage and help others with stories of miracles that have taken place. Miracles that are truly for everyone. Miracles to change lives!

I hope that you haven’t lost hope in your life! If you have please contact me! I have been through so many horrible things that there is no way I should be so full of hope! But with a change in mindsets, just the right positive relationships that can help build you up, and a God that loves you no matter what… positive change can happen!

Last year and this year so many changes and miracles have happened and I have to keep sharing these things with others!

Change can happen for you!

No room for negativity!

Remain hopeful and move forward!

Contact me if you need help!

See you soon!

jill 🌸


There are many voices fighting for our attention today. Because I am in the place of helping people get healed of trauma, I have to be focused.

I have to be focused on my Father❣️ My Father in heaven that is. My Father that is placed above all things in heavenly places.

I have to spend time with His presence which gives me peace. I have to read His ancient words that bring me peace!

I have to stay away from anything that would condemn me because that’s not His voice. There may be things that sound like that in His word but that is not my Father’s heart speaking to me.

This is what He’s speaking to me right now:

“That evening, the disciples gathered together. And because they were afraid of reprisals from the Jewish leaders, they had locked the doors to the place where they met. But suddenly Jesus appeared among them and said, “Peace to you!””
‭‭John‬ ‭20:19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

That means PEACE to us right now! That is what I am supposed to be helping people receive in the earth today, “Peace!”

I have to stay away from certain things right now in conversations like prejudice, politics, hatred and such because I am a conduit of Peace!

Whatever we go through in our life leads us to our identity and destiny! My life has had me in a place of loving the ones that seem to be marginalized! I can’t fit in the other boxes! I’ve tried! But that’s not my identity!

It’s taken lots of focus to not get pulled into wrong thinking and ideas. I’ve also had to come to the place of more confidence! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and deserve just as much love as people that share my opinions!

This isn’t always the norm today. It’s become my norm and I’m helping others have it as their new norm! Boxes are boring anyway! I urge you to get out of boxes and find your identity!

Identity is freedom and powerful! If you’d like to learn more, connect with me and we can help you handle things in your life.

Love never fails❤️

Boxes are boring❣️

Our lives matter❣️

Our voices matter❣️

Don’t give up❣️

Live life with purpose❣️

See you soon…jill 🌸

Destiny Scrolls

There are actual destiny scrolls written in heaven about our purpose and identity here on earth.

“You saw who you created me to be before I became me! Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

TPT means The Passion Translation version of the Bible. I love that version because it speaks in simplicity and clarity to me!

At the beginning of the year I have been bringing together a group of women that write out our visions on vision boards! I have learned that this helps bring about a course for our life and makes impossible things actually become possible.

There are many things that happened this year that were totally unpredictable… But God! He’s above everything… He created everything! The ancient words that have been printed still shine through no matter what. Our purpose and destiny still shines through no matter what!

With the end of the year here I’d like to present my latest book that shares how to get to our place of destiny. It may be something to share with someone that you care about so that they may find identity and destiny!

http://Shift Happens: Restored to Bloom

I have realized just recently how important the information in this book really is. People have lost hope, gotten discouraged, and distracted! But the one that created us and formed us before we were here has not moved! He’s not mad at us, He loves us!

There are many people sitting with messages and voices that need to be heard in the earth. That can be frustrating! Your voice and purpose needs to be released!

We would love to do a call with you to help you find your divine destiny on earth! There may be people waiting to hear your message and voice! The cost is FREE!

It is time for your voice to be heard!

It is never too late!

You are qualified!

You have permission!

We will help you!

Love and hugs!

jill 🌸

Perspective Can Rescue You

What if I would tell you that you can train your mind to think the right things? Yes, I probably have already told you this before.

It just keeps getting hit home to me loud and clear and that’s why I have to remind people about it every once in a while!

This can sound very fluffy and simple but it is VERY deep. It means everything! Our mind and our thinking directs and leads many of our other actions.

Let’s say we go through a trauma and our mind is telling us to react to it and shut down our whole life and give up. Is that what we do? Or do we rise up against what our mind is telling us and refuse to cave and instead make something positive out of what we went through.

I believe that is what we were really created to do, use the thing we went through as an example and a story to help others overcome.

I can’t even tell you all of the wild things that have been like a common occurrence in my life. I chose along time ago to not have a “poor pitiful me” attitude about it. I chose to dig deep, fight through all of my issues, and use them to help others.

Many people want to have pride and hide in shame the things that have happened to them. It doesn’t make us bad because things have happened to us! Most of them are not our fault and have nothing to do with us! It’s just things that happen in this fallen world.

We can train our mind to do anything and the rest of our body follows. I’m not going to say that we don’t get stunned a bit or shocked or hurt! But once we work through all the emotions that go with it, which is a normal process, we move on and use it as a story and example to help others.

It’s not such a huge, big thing that ruins our life forever then. It can keep us from physical problems and many other calamities and chaos.

We don’t need to hide from things or run from them in denial. We learn to:

Sounds easy doesn’t it? It’s lots easier than carrying a bunch of baggage around and hiding from it! Learn to let it go and just use the story to help others!

I’m not telling you that life is easy all the time, I’m just telling you that if you think it’s easy it will be! If you need help sorting through some of life’s traumas and emotions get ahold of me! I’ve been through so much that it became a hobby and a passion for me to help others!

These are my three books if you would like to learn more about this! Remember….You and God have this together! He can help you get out of any mess! I know because I’ve experienced it! 🌸first book🌸 🌸second book🌸 🌸third book🌸

Face it!

Feel it!

Forget it!

You can move on!

There’s a purpose for it all!

🌸love you, ~jill🌸