The Pause

Well it has hit our home, the dreaded COVID-19. Marty tested positive and I tested negative. Today is the third day that he’s had it and he’s not doing too bad.

His fever is down, he’s still trying to do a few things because everyone said, “Try to stay active.” We are on our third day of quarantine.

How am I doing? Well me being the extrovert person that I am, I instantly canceled a speaking engagement, canceled a hair appointment, canceled two lunch dates, a meeting I was supposed to attend and decided to settle in.

The first day I was a little sad and angry. I just went with that feeling and let myself feel it. Then I decided I may be being a little selfish and started giving more compassion to the one not feeling well.

The second day I asked my great friends from a recovery group (we do a group text everyday) to let me have a phone meeting with them the next night. They all kicked in and started showing the love…They made me cry!

I also got to make a video on my business page about self care and practice what I was saying. I have a checklist that I’m doing everyday. We got a sweet FaceTime from a granddaughter checking on Papa, I got many phone conversations with people that I don’t normally talk to and sorted out some things in my life.

Third day…which is today. Marty still holding fever down, many people letting us know that they love us and checking on us, some even bringing little gifts to us. We are finding out how many people love and care about us.

This has been the theme of my life and I’ve checked into survival mode now. Using all the tools that I’ve been given.

Gratitude is the next one. What do I have to be grateful for?

1. God and my faith.

2. Marty not being severely ill.

3. My mother still being alive and all of our family.

4. So many wonderful friends that love us and care about us.

5. Prosperity and provision.

6. America and the blessings I have had growing up here.

I will keep working on this list.

I have a friend flying in from out of town and we get to talk today.

Let’s always remember to take a pause and remember what we have. It might just help us see things from a different perspective.

Blessings to you today!

Always fight to stay positive!

Never give up!

Have faith, hope, and love always!

You deserve the best of everything!

If you need anything let us know! That is my favorite thing that people keep saying to us!!

See y’all soon!!


Perspective Can Rescue You

What if I would tell you that you can train your mind to think the right things? Yes, I probably have already told you this before.

It just keeps getting hit home to me loud and clear and that’s why I have to remind people about it every once in a while!

This can sound very fluffy and simple but it is VERY deep. It means everything! Our mind and our thinking directs and leads many of our other actions.

Let’s say we go through a trauma and our mind is telling us to react to it and shut down our whole life and give up. Is that what we do? Or do we rise up against what our mind is telling us and refuse to cave and instead make something positive out of what we went through.

I believe that is what we were really created to do, use the thing we went through as an example and a story to help others overcome.

I can’t even tell you all of the wild things that have been like a common occurrence in my life. I chose along time ago to not have a “poor pitiful me” attitude about it. I chose to dig deep, fight through all of my issues, and use them to help others.

Many people want to have pride and hide in shame the things that have happened to them. It doesn’t make us bad because things have happened to us! Most of them are not our fault and have nothing to do with us! It’s just things that happen in this fallen world.

We can train our mind to do anything and the rest of our body follows. I’m not going to say that we don’t get stunned a bit or shocked or hurt! But once we work through all the emotions that go with it, which is a normal process, we move on and use it as a story and example to help others.

It’s not such a huge, big thing that ruins our life forever then. It can keep us from physical problems and many other calamities and chaos.

We don’t need to hide from things or run from them in denial. We learn to:

Sounds easy doesn’t it? It’s lots easier than carrying a bunch of baggage around and hiding from it! Learn to let it go and just use the story to help others!

I’m not telling you that life is easy all the time, I’m just telling you that if you think it’s easy it will be! If you need help sorting through some of life’s traumas and emotions get ahold of me! I’ve been through so much that it became a hobby and a passion for me to help others!

These are my three books if you would like to learn more about this! Remember….You and God have this together! He can help you get out of any mess! I know because I’ve experienced it! 🌸first book🌸 🌸second book🌸 🌸third book🌸

Face it!

Feel it!

Forget it!

You can move on!

There’s a purpose for it all!

🌸love you, ~jill🌸

Fan the Flame

This is referring to the gift that is within you. We each have been placed unique gifts inside of us that need to be used in the earth.

We have to take action to keep it alive because there is always opposition coming to shut it down and quiet that voice.

I have had to go to great lengths to fight for my voice being heard and I can’t say that it has been fully accomplished yet. I haven’t quite found the correct delivery of what I’m trying to present to people.

Life experiences help me out and I may grab ahold of it for a bit but it can be fleeting. My main thing is to make it a point that we cannot always listen to human beings for direction we have to be tapped into a higher being which is God to me.

The thing that taints what I am saying is religion. Religion has given God a bad rap. It’s represented Him so differently than He really is. It’s one of the things that has shut my mouth more than anything else.

I have to be very cautious to stay in contact with my God and not get in the wrong lane. Strong opinions and controlling attitudes can flood over that still small voice like an avalanche.

Lately I’ve been very blessed to have some people in my path that have been able to latch on to what I’m saying because they are not indoctrinated so strongly.

We know a tree by it’s fruit. If someone does not help produce good fruit in our life they are not the tree that we need to sit under.

We really need relationship with someone before they can speak truth into our lives. I took a personality test one time and a slogan that goes along with my personality is:

Yep that’s me and my personality and the way my Heavenly Father created me! He has given me the ability to believe in people that no one else can believe in. With My God Nothing is impossible! Nothing! I have lived it!

You tell me that someone is beyond repair and I will do everything I can to help them make it happen. I have had to learn through much trial and error that we cannot help someone that is determined to stay the same! We have to let go!

I will keep fanning the flame to keep my voice being heard! That means that I have to fight to be heard! That might mean that you need to fight to be heard too!

Keep on keeping on!

With God you’ve got this!

Let us know if we can help!

If no one else has told you they love you today “I Love you!”


Transformation ❣️

This morning I sat out under the porch on a beautiful morning and listened to a message about the orphan spirit! That is what we help people get free from! It is huge in our world, people feel like they don’t belong!

In my three books I spoke about how much recovery groups have helped me. I didn’t have much confidence about some of the writing in my books because I didn’t want to sound like I was coming against the church! My story is my story though! I was so excited to hear a leader present this message today!

This is my message confirmed!! This is the movement that has been birthed inside of me for years and years! This is my story, my life and my destiny! This gives me confidence to promote my books like I have never had before! This is my voice that has gone through much opposition to not be silenced!

I just lost my Dad five days ago and I’ve seen that he helped the Jewish people get free from the Nazis in Germany and that legacy of freeing people has been handed down to me!

I am to help the Church get free from Religion! It’s a movement, it’s a New Wineskin it’s freedom from legalism! I am not afraid to share anymore! I know that it is needed! God even brought a meeting called “Overcomers” across the highway from us to attend that is the Twelve Steps presented exactly how I would present them to the Church!

I am trusting my Heavenly Father to bring this all together! A.A. is the perfect blueprint to follow and the purpose is transformation! How many people need transformation today? Many!

These three books mention transformation in a life that could have been shipwrecked beyond repair! If you need some transformation please read these books!

You will find them on Amazon!

You may need to be delivered from a religious mindset or you may have been hurt by religion! That needs to be gone from your life! It can block creativity and freedom! It can even block transformation because you may be trying to do things in your own strength!

When we are weak is when He can be strong!! 2 Corinthians 12:10

We are not supposed to depend on our gifts, we are not supposed to be self reliant, we are supposed to lean on our Heavenly Father! All things flow freely from that place!

Reach out if you need us!

Love never fails!

We need God in our communication and relationships!!

Let’s get real and stop the pretense!

We all need help!

See you soon!
