Divine connections

Wow, just yesterday morning starting to feel a little lost in my process of writing my book. It can feel a little overwhelming at times. I prayed yesterday morning for another connection, another piece of the puzzle.

I sat down and wrote more, I’ve learned that no matter what… keep writing!! Sure enough, right before I went to bed last night, I saw a FB post on my Self Publishing School and it said…”Keep following the process, it works if you don’t give up.”

I got on the post and saw that this person had just launched!! I looked up her regular page and saw that she lives 2 hours from me!! Instantly I sent her a friend request and she confirmed!! We started chatting on instant messenger, I started asking her all of the questions I wanted to asked someone. She immediately answered everyone of them and said I can’t wait to get to know you better!!

I woke up at 6:00 am this morning and downloaded and read her whole book in one hour.. it made me cry!! It was about how God is using her three little boys to teach her and train her about life!!

There was one section in the book where she said, ” I didn’t understand why we were being hit by the enemy so hard, then I realized it started after I started writing my book.” Immediately I knew that she and I would be from the same tribe from here on out!!

I pray for each of you to step on the trail of the supernatural!! To say yes to God enough that He actually starts making the things happen in your life!! He knows He can trust you with people’s hearts and lives so He keeps sending you more!!

He is actually the one making my book happen, because He keeps showing up and making it possible!! He can be quiet for a bit… but just keep doing what you know is right and He comes through loud and clear in another way!!

Keep being true to you!! Do what He asks of you!! Be kind and lift up others, be honest, keep doing the little things!! Sometimes the little mundane things are not so little!! They are seeds that grow and don’t stop!!

Amazed again by my Father’s provision…He shows up every time right on time!!❤️

Don’t lose faith❤️

He does it EVERY time❤️

Never late❤️

Can’t make this stuff up❤️

See you soon❤️

Always solutions

Hi… been in a stumbling block lately with my book. Wow, I always run into a block when it comes to mentioning other people  that were involved in my story. Being afraid that I might offend them or hurt their feelings.

Been praying about how to get around this and asking a few folks how they handeled it. It almost seemed for a few days like just ditching the book!! Of course it felt like that!! You know there will always be opposition, right?

Thats always the time I have to SHIFT and dig a little deeper. I decided I would call my last husband, (which there were 2 and I married the last one twice) and talk to him. It was very interesting to talk to him. I realized what a role I had been playing in life and wasn’t being the true me and didn’t really know who the true me was.

It’s so funny how people take things that they have been dealt in life into their relationships and make it about the person they are with. He played a song and sang it to me on his guitar and I remembered that was something I loved about him. It made me cry.

I realized that my gifting of love and compassion took years being refined in me and he was a very important part of the whole scheme of my life. I learned that you can believe in people with all your heart but if they don’t believe in God or themselves, you can’t make it happen for them. I tried twice because I could see a jewel of a person, but he couldn’t.

Not that he has to be what I think, it just showed me that I had to learn that lesson before I really started ministering to people, because I have to discern who is in it to change and who is in it to flap their jaws.

I had to learn that it’s about what people do, not what they say. That’s maturity, really taking action and doing something. So my solution to mentioning them in my book is to say how grateful I am for them as a person and that they were in my life and helped me write the story of my life.

Honestly, I learned that I can never be someone’s God and savior, I can only let my light shine and lead people to Him, if they expect more than that, sorry!! They gotta do the same things I’ve had to do to get better!! You can’t get it all in a relationship!!

And that is reality!!❤

Kinda deep❤

Truth is truth❤

Gotta go to Father for you❤

See you soon❤