Orphan lifestyle…

This is an often not discussed subject. There are many roaming around with this life going on and not realizing it. From childhood hurts and trauma and pain they have learned how to live this way.

By learning Restoring The Foundations and walking people through these prayers we really are learning a new revelation of how this is happening. Many people had such an awful childhood that there was a time they actually divorced their parents or even whole family. This begins the cycle of an orphan lifestyle. Thank God it can be broken.

There is so much divorce going on in families that children figure if Dad doesn’t want our family, why should I? If Mom took off, why can’t I? I’m so excited to be able to be helping out at a place full of middle school age kids. Showing them Gods love and acceptance. I’m thankful to be helping adults also, showing them Gods love and acceptance, with our prayer sessions in our home.

I have to say, that if I hadn’t experienced all of the things I have been through, my heart wouldn’t  be so big for helping others. I’ve said before, we are surely not an island. We have to find SOMEONE that we can trust and talk to about things.

There are people in this world we can trust. If someone hurts you, it’s ok, just get back up and have a little more wisdom and trust again. I am not saying that flippantly, because sometimes people can hurt us worse than we can imagine! I’m just saying, work through it, take the steps you need to take to forgive, grieve it if you have to, and move on!! Don’t stay in that hurt and bitterness forever!! No matter what it is!

I am so happy to be so surrounded by so many people that I can trust right now. I did not do that, God did. I just had to persevere and stay in one place even though it took years to feel this way.

It’s so funny, I was being trained for ministry where I used to live and when I moved here one of the pastors told me that if I moved I was missing my purpose and calling. I knew that God put Marty in my life and that I was supposed to do it. Do you know how many days, months, and years it looked like he was right?

I had to hold on to the promises that God had spoke to Marty and I in the beginning when Marty had the dream and the man he worked with confirmed it. That’s what faith has to do. Persevere and hang onto the promises. Whew it is so exciting and fulfilling and bigger than anything I ever imagined!! Don’t give up!!

Most of it really had nothing to do with me! God literally made it happen! He’s just looking for a broken and contrite spirit that He can work through. Sometimes it only happens through the process!

Do not give up❤

He has a family for you❤

Keep persevering❤

Everyone is special❤

See you soon❤