Rest, relax and enjoy!!

Well I am writing this on Saturday for Sunday. Hope you can find some time to chill, and relax and regroup today. If not today, another day this week. We all need time to take care of ourselves.

Time to take a deep breath and know that God is Large and In Charge!! We need time to be a little lax about our responsibilities. My week has been very busy, which I love, but time to let it all go now!!

Blessings and peace  to you!!



Celebrate other’s successes🎉🎊

Hi. You know, some of you may be thinking, “Hey, I’m not having any of these interesting things happening in MY life.” Well, you know the first way to make that happen? Start celebrating good things going on in other people’s lives.

If someone tells you about something good going on in their life, just start being genuinely happy for them. There aren’t lots of people doing that. Encourage them to be the best they can be. It’s a win win, when you are doing that. Guaranteed.

I’m not really saying to “pretend” to be happy because that’s just phony. I’m saying get yourself to a place where you are so cleaned up on the inside and have such a pure heart that you are REALLY happy!!

There are long periods of times sometimes where something good really doesn’t happen to you. I’ve had years, maybe even decades where things didn’t happen the way I expected. Sometimes I had to join in and be happy for someone else’s dream. I had to go with the plan that was in front of me. I had to SHIFT my mindsets and get settled with HIS plan.

Wow when we do that, what wonderful things happen!! It changes our hearts. It changes our motives!! It changes our character!! Then when it’s time for your Dream to happen, you know it’s not about you at all!!

When you know it’s not about you, you are in so much more rest about doing it! You don’t get on a pity party when things don’t go your way!! You know that when you are weak, that’s when HE shows up the strongest!! Oh yes HE does!!

He let me get to the point where I did not care what one person thought anymore. I really didn’t care what I thought was supposed to be happening anymore. When I got to that point, my dream started happening, because I didn’t own it! He did and does!!

So I know when you are hurting, and you go to church alone without your husband or without other people you would love to join you. Or your life seems so out of control or way far away from what you wanted or expected. It’s hard!! But don’t give up, nothing is wasted!! Keep on keeping on!! You are moving toward a better day!!

One day at a time!! Even if something crazy happens that you didn’t expect. Don’t let it make you give up! There is still hope! No matter what the situation is, how you think about it, is the main thing!!

Prov. 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

So that’s saying what we think, we will be. I’m not just telling you a scripture and thinking you can do that, though. I’m all about showing you the way to walk that out!! I’ve needed lots and lots of help from lots and lots of people to help me learn how to walk that out!! It’s not very easy sometimes!!

Keep being pliable and teachable and learning from the hard things. There are lots of lessons if you look for them. Sometimes you have to SHIFT your mind and dig deep! It’s there, keep looking!

Keep digging!

Keep knocking!

Keep celebrating others if you can! If you can’t, figure out why!!





Shift happens…

Hi…back to the SHIFT happens. It happened to me yesterday in a big, big way. I can’t share the details yet, but I kept thinking I was supposed to step out and do something for about 3 months. I kept thinking I was crazy thinking about such a thing. I even got to the place where I gave up on it. But I just kept feeling like I was supposed to do it. I finally contacted a person and she said, ” First off, let me tell you that you aren’t crazy. My husband and I have been praying about this for 6 weeks. Wow!! Talk about SHIFT!!

Instantly it was clear that I wasn’t crazy, what I heard was right, and it was going to happen!! Love it!! That was amazing!! I’ve had many things happen like that in my life before!! I really believe if we keep ourselves pliable and moldable for change these things happen!!

Ps. 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

The thing with that, is that the more you delight yourself in Him, the more your desires change. Instead of wanting some things that aren’t very fruitful, your desires change. For me, instead of wanting to do something just for me, it may involve helping someone else.

The thing above involves helping lots of people. So what I get excited about is that I get to help some people!! That’s because it’s what I was put on this Earth for, and I am grateful to get to do what I was put in this earth for!!

I am so excited when people find and finally get to do what they are supposed to do!! There is nothing like it!! Why wouldn’t God want me to do something that is helping people? Makes sense to me!!

So my hope for everyone is to get to the place where their own life is free and not full of a bunch of problems holding them back, and get to the place where they can help people in their own way.

If you need help in coming to this let me know, or let someone you are around know, so you can start getting to that place. Remember if you are all about what He wants, He will move heaven and earth to make it happen. It’s about His will, not my will!!

Sometimes when you have small children at home,  they are the ones you are helping. Sometimes our husband is the one we are helping, or our friends. It might just be the people around us in everyday life. I guarantee, everyone needs help at sometime or another.

Be open, be available for change and remember! Shift does happen! Sometimes it might feel like it’s shifting in a bad way before it bears good fruit. Just enjoy the ride and enjoy the process!! Moving forward in any way is better than stagnating!!

Shift happens!!

Never too late!!


Failure is not failure…👍🏼

I love that!! It’s so true too! Failure is just a lie that our minds tell us to keep us failing. If you believe you are a failure then you remain one. If you learn from a time when you fail, I call that a success.

The enemy of our soul can feed all kinds of lies into our mind and convince us of how we can’t do this or do that!! We do have to be clear about what we need to be doing, but usually we can figure that out if we try it and it just doesn’t work out.

If we are not afraid of failing, we aren’t so afraid to take risks. Risk taking is healthy and full of faith. From all the calamities and disasters that I have been involved in, I learned SO much! I learned that you can’t present someone with a bunch of do’s and dont’s if you can’t be in a relationship with them and walk it out with them.

Sometimes people aren’t capable of what we expect of them. Sometimes we expect too much out of people and don’t put ourselves in their shoes. Empathy is a very needed thing in our culture. People need to be heard and understood.

I have learned that if the people around you really are celebrating you and who you are, that you start believing you are somebody. We love to take people through sessions at our house and figure out all of the lies in their mind and then help them find the truth and walk it out.

If someone is walking around believing all these lies, it’s hard for them to rise above it!! Of course there is always a balance here too. Some people are happy just the way they are, don’t want to change, and you just have to let them be where they are. It’s good to be able to discern between the two so you don’t waste their time and yours. We can’t control anyone else and it’s not our responsibility to do so.

Being teachable and learning, are the keys to success. Finding people that are doing what you want to be doing and learn from them. Be humble and not thinking you already know everything. Being open to God’s leading. If you aren’t even capable of that, be around people that can get you there.

We aren’t meant to be isolated islands. We are meant to be around people. Learning and growing, and sharing what we know too. Every one reading this has a purpose and lots to offer to whoever you are assigned to.

Don’t ever think you have failed beyond repair. There is ALWAYS hope for a turnaround. There can always be a SHIFT in things. We all make mistakes, we all learn from mistakes and take the things we need from that experience.

We brush the dust off, become an overcomer, go on to the next adventure with more wisdom and more humility.

Life is positively positive!!

Failure is not failure!!

Tomorrow❤    ( I still need to learn hashtags ##) ……I will😊